Saturday, June 11, 2011

The middle sea

This is Oceanus in the Museum of Archaeology in Turkey.

I have seized on a new project. I will document all my travels around the Mediterranean sea on a huge chart that I have acquired from the chart office I discovered just across the road from me in Valletta. I will put the chart up on the pristine walls of my renovated flat and gradually fill in the journeys I have been on and will plan in the future. I will also add little snippets about the people in the past whose journeys I cross in my travels.

I have looked back at my blog and some of the early posts will help. My travels this year are directly relevant and in the time that remains to me I will fill in the gaps of the places I have not yet visited.

But for this evening I am off to Ghanafest in Argotti gardens, Floriana, Malta!

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