Monday, February 1, 2010

Unpacking my life

These are the 37 boxes that I packed up in Australia six months ago and I am now unpacking in my flat in Valletta. I tried to be ruthless with my life stories but still I have too much to fit into my flat. The books will have to stay in boxes for a while. I unpack slowly, finding a place for each memory as it comes out of the box. I group things differently from before.

Today has been sunny and warmer than the past week. Walking down Merchants street to get the paper, two people greeted me with "bonju" and a wave. I stopped to chat to my neighbour who was pushing her grandson in a stroller and she introduced me to three other women from my block of flats. The woman in the tiny newsagent cellar told me I am now a Beltija, which means a woman from Valletta.

1 comment:

Observer said...

love the photo - so appropriate. Your description of the slow yet inevitable way in which one starts a new life is beautifuly described.