Wednesday, May 5, 2010

On hearing Robin Robertson

Last night I heard a poet read
He read of drink and sex and death
He read of Aberdeen

Grandfather came from Aberdeen
His Maltese wife birthed not four seals
But she who mothered me

Grandfather's bones lie with his wife
In a Maltese charnel house
My mother lies in a Scottish grave
Atop her ain true love

The poet's words dug up the dead
And flung their bones into my days
He flashed his words and stopped my blood
With rags of torn lost love

Haunting words removed from joy
Jarred by the ring of a mobile phone
Delivered stark in lectern light
Finished with wine and brittle chat

But I didn't stay for that


Observer said...

Wow, Jo, you brought tears to my eyes, then on reflection, I wondered how your book is coming along? Claire

Josephine Burden said...

Thanks, Claire, I am working on the first draft of the final chapter. Your question is exactly right!