Thursday, March 3, 2011

Touching base

Things are aligning to bring me back to my blog.

I have finished the first full draft of the book and printed out a manuscript. It is still clunky and needs more work but it can sit for a while. I'm hoping it will be like soup and improve the next day.

The drama of the return to my (almost finished) flat has mellowed. I have sorted the issues with water leaking into the flat below, irate neighbours blaming me and the workers for broken lift, insomnia, invasive dust, rubbish on the roof, illegal development. I have worked out a strategy for dealing with stolen internal doors and the unfinished washroom. In time this will all become the theme for a blog.

I have settled back into life in Malta and reconnected with all the things I love to do here.

I have started to reflect on my three months away and my travels in Australia, Asia and Russia. I am getting excited about my travel plans for 2011.

I am starting to chafe against the limitations of Facebook.

So I will make lists and go through my photos and make the blog a part of my routine again. The photo was taken on a recent Ramblers' walk.

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