Friday, June 20, 2008

The berries are forming in England at the moment and if you look closely at the photo some are even almost ready for picking.  I'm finding life at my brother's place has too many distractions to be able to write coherently!  And you may have noticed on my last post that my photo of the flowers and herbs that we planted by the kitchen door is up sideways!
The week has shot past with pub lunches, walks through the public right-of-way footpaths through fields of wheat and corn, yesterday a run/walk through country lanes, playing rounders with my niece, Grace, using her rules which are very flexible, and getting phone calls from my brother Jim who lives on his boat in Scotland and is organising a huge Burden family re-union in Arrochar, Scotland this weekend.
I'm once again writing this on the kitchen table.  We're all packed up ready to load up the car for our trip North to join the 150 people who are gathering.  We have photos and family trees.  My sister, Jackie, and my niece, Sholeh will be joining us tomorrow in Arrochar.  I'll take the laptop with me but am not sure if we will be able to link up in Scotland or in Cheshire where I will be staying with my friends, Joyce and Celia during next week.  So not sure when my next post will go up!  Have to go.

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